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Memory Machine Cloud Quick Guides
All Topics
Introduction to Amazon Cloud
Deploy MMC OpCenter (AWS)
JuiceFlow (AWS)
Persistent Nextflow JuiceFS (AWS)
Run Cromwell (AWS)
Deploy MMC OpCenter in Non-default VPC (AWS)
IAM roles and policies created (AWS)
Memory Machine Batch 1.1 with JuiceFS
AWS Batch Memory Machine Engine 1.0
Transient S3Flow Head Node
S3Flow Persistent Head Node
AWS Known Issues
Juiceflow Performance Optimization (AWS)
Customize Jupyter App
AWS Batch Memory Machine Engine
Memory Machine Batch 1.1 with JuiceFS
AWS Batch Memory Machine Engine 1.0
MMC Batch Engine for AWS Overview
Quick Start Guide for Deploying the CloudFormation Stack with MM Engine Powered Batch
MMC Snapshot Engine for Nextflow on AWS Batch
Deploy MMC OpCenter (GCP)
Persistent Nextflow JuiceFS (GCP)
MMCloud Air
Juiceflow via MMCloud Air
How to set up your AWS S3 bucket for input data files and output result files for MMCloud Air