In earlier releases, activating the OpCenter license enabled all features and the same charging mechanism applied to all users. In the El Nido release, there is more granularity: subsets of features can be enabled and different charging mechanisms can be applied.
Subscribers choose from the following license plans.
In earlier releases, users deploying OpCenter in AWS activate the license via the AWS License Manager. In the El Nido release, users (of AWS or any other cloud service provider) activate the license directly from the OpCenter web interface. Prior registration (free) on is required.
After registering at, users can try out a live MMCloud environment (called simsurf) with limited functionality. There is no charge and no cloud account is needed.
WaveWatcher is the feature that allows users to monitor per-job resource utilization in real time. Results are displayed graphically in the OpCenter. Functionality and usability have been enhanced as follows.
The gateway is a reverse proxy that maintains client-side browser sessions when servers migrate to new VM instances (and new IP addresses). When a browser connects to the gateway, to log in to a Jupyter Lab session, for example, the gateway places a web widget at the top, right-hand side of the window (the user can move the widget). The widget provides an interface to the OpCenter Job Details screen. After logging in, the user can view status and perform actions such as migrate or cancel (for this job only). When the application server (RStudio, for example) is in the "Floating" state, the widget alerts the user that the screen is unresponsive until the state returns to "Executing."
A job submitted to the OpCenter specifies the compute environment by name (for example, c5.4xlarge) or capacity (number of virtual CPUs and memory in GB). In the latter case, the requirements may be satisfied by instances powered by several different processor vendors and families. To limit the choices, for example, to stay within a processor family, it is now possible to specify an allow list of instances (specified by name).
To use MMCloud as a Nextflow executor, a plugin called nf-float is required. The nf-float plugin is now included in the Nextflow Plugin Index so that Nextflow automatically downloads the latest version of nf-float whenever a Nextflow configuration file specifies MMCloud as an executor.
Jobs submitted to OpCenter are either batch jobs or interactive sessions. Interactive sessions involve services such as provided by RStudio or Jupyter servers. The float command line to start a service can be complicated. To simplify the process, pre-configured service templates can be used (enter float template -h to see options).
The OpCenter can now support 1,000 simultaneous jobs.
To include in a report only those jobs where the job has migrated to a new VM instance, use the --filter "instances>1" filter.
Cloud costs associated with a job include compute and storage. Storage costs are incurred by each volume instantiated, for example, the root volume or any data volumes. OpCenter now reports costs for compute and for each type of storage. Users can now compare the incremental costs incurred by MMCloud so that they can determine how much they save by avoiding On-demand Instances.
In earlier releases, the user must specify the endpoint when using an S3 bucket (in rw mode) that is in a different region from the OpCenter, for example, --dataVolume [mode=rw,]s3://bucketname:/results. In El Nido, the endpoint is no longer required and multiple S3 buckets can be specified in a single float submit command.
From the OpCenter landing page, a user can launch the MMCloud web interface. New features in the web interface include:
This release fixes the following.
For more information, visit our documentation center - New Features in MMCloud El Nido 2.2.1 Release